Epic Moments

Below is gathered pictures from some memorable moments our adventure groups have experienced along their adventure paths.
In the Eye of the Beholder
Adventure: FR - Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land
When it happend: January 2012
RPG Group: Group 1
Characters: Zulkin, Arkan, Gondaral, Silwen, Grimwald

The adventure party sails down the underground river below Shadowdale and the Twisted Tower in a boat created from Arkans "Bag of Usefull items". The boat is dragged by Silwen the Druid shapechanged into a huge Crocodile. They sail in complete darkness expect from a small 20 feet magical light source. Suddenly they find themselves within the cone of an "Anti Magic Field" coming from the central Eye of a huge Beholder. All magic effects are negated.... and then the light goes out.
Darkness surrounds everyone except the Dwarf and the Beholder.
Then the beholder closes its central eye and stops the "Anti Magic Field" effect - The party mange to survive a "Flesh to Stone", "Finger of Death" and "Dissintegrate" eye rays from the beholder in the first round.
In desperation Zulkin the Wizard returns a "dissintegrate" spell in the face of the beholder delivering massive 90 HP in damage in one blow and the Beholder falls into the water dead....
The Fall of Scyllua Darkhope in the final battle for Shadowdale's freedom
Adventure: FR - Shadowdale: The Scouring of the Land
When it happend: February 2012
RPG Group: Group 1
Characters: Zulkin, Arkan, Gondaral, Silwen, Grimwald

The adventure party has freed Lord Mourngrym of Shadowdale from the dark shadow which had possesed him during The Zhentarim army's occupation of Shadowdale. Mourngrym leads the uprising together with the party i a last try to defeat and drive out zhentarim forces in a final Battle for freedom. Suddenly Scullua Darkhope returns from her siege of Myth Drannor and appears in the sky on her Flying Nightmare Steed. She lands in the midst of the Battle an confronts Gondaral, Favored Soul of Tyr. Bound by his destiny pledge bestowed upon him by Tyr - Gondaral know this is the time he will face the touch of Death. As pre determined Scyllua then deliveres a serious Critical hit of 96 - almost removing Gondarals leg and leaving him bleeding 10 HP per round, forcing a death save vs. massive damage. Additionally he has to cope with the poison and "Smite Good" effects from Scylluas evil blade.
Seriously injured and with few rounds left before bleeding to death, Gondaral throws everything he has on a last desperate attack and rolls an epic Critical hit scoring likewise 96! - delivering massive damage, removing Scylluas leg and leaving her bleeding 10 HP per round. Scyllua drops lifeless to the ground......
.....The High Captain of Zhentarim armies, a notorius vilian in Forgotten Realms has died. In shock and overcome by the morale loss, the remaining Zhents troops flee in panic and Shadowdale is once free again. An event of major importance in the ongoing Cormanthor War and of great importance to ensure safety for the Dale Lands.
The Kraken of Thaymount underground river
Adventure: FR - DM Campaign: The Revenge of Thay
When it happend: August 2012
RPG Group: Group 1
Characters: Zulkin, Orkan, Cara Luckwind, Silwen, Strider Kelemborn

Lost and fatigued the adventure party arrives at an underground river bank below Thaymount in Thay. Two boats lies scattered around and a lot of skelletons from fallen humanoids lies along the river edge. Suddenly the surface of the water stirs and out of the dark comes THE KRAKEN with the intent to grapple the the whole party in its eight arms and drag them to the bottom of the depths......
After a heroic death match, THE KRAKEN to retreat into the darkness of the river - not killed nor defeated but waiting and regenerating..... and the only way out is to repair the boats and start floating the long way down the river......
The Deathstone construct below Waterdeep
Adventure: FR - DM Campaign: The quest from Khelben Blackstaff
When it happend: October 2012
RPG Group: Group 1
Characters: Zulkin, Orkan, Strider

On request of Khelben Blackstaff of Waterdeep the party explores the secret underground passage between Blackstaff tower and The Palace. The party discovers four lost wizards of Black staff tower which are dead and have been calcified completely. Someone has created a large hole into the wall of the passage and made a pathway to an old Dwarf citadel. The part quickly discovers the reason for the death of the wizards: A Female Drow Sorcerer and her drow minions has created a so called Deathstone - a huge living magical construct made from the bare rock with the ability to slow and calcify (like turn to stone) all living beings in a large radius around it. From this base the Drows will take control of the Palace coming from the underground passage with the Deathstone as Juggernaut an wipe out all people in its way. Faced by this Orkan, Zulkin and Strider start engaging the construct... .....just to discover that the construct is immune to magic and they have to do fortitude saves each
The epic fight against Ashardalon the Great Red Wyrm
Adventure: D&D 3.5 Bastion of Broken Souls
When it happend: February 2013
RPG Group: Group 1
Characters: Zulkin, Orkan, Strider, Silwen, Cara, Nurn (NPC)

After a long search using different clues from around Faurun the party travels to The Positive Energy Plane to enter the Bastion of Unborn Souls - one of several soul fonts where all newborn babyes get there souls from. Now the circle of life has been corrupted by a great Read Wyrm who has taken residence in the Bastion of Unborn Souls to feed directly from the souls. Ashardalon is a legendary dragon more than 1,200 years old and of collossal size. Buffed up to the maxium and with fire immunity the party faces this magnificient foe. Only with the presence of Strider "the Decendant of the epic Druid Dydd" manages the party to slay the dragon after a long spectacular fight.... just to discover a mighty demon - which was held captive in the dragons body- is released as soon at the dragon drops death. Strider - being a Paladin and Knight - challenges the demon despite the party has used up all their ressources on the dragon. The subsequent fight slays two party members and the rest surrenders. To try to ease the demons wrath, Orkan offers to sacrifice himself and he gets slain as well. The demon then takes off to the Abyss and only by having a few revivify spells in reserve the dead members is resurrected and the party survive (exept Nurn the NPC). This also marks the final challenge for this party and afterwards they return to Faurun as Epic heroes continuing their lives off the beaten track.