Here you will find a list of interesting APP's for Iphone and Ipad containing lots of great material to support your D&D campaign. All Applications can be purchased or downloaded from the I-tunes store. Look them up in APP store to get full descriptions of content of programmes.
The Dungeon Master
Usefull applications for IPhone/IPAD

Tool to create Dungeon maps, battlemaps, World maps or ecounter maps.

Dungeon Map
Tool to create Dungeon maps, battlemaps, World maps or ecounter maps.

RPG Cartographer
Tool to create Dungeon maps, battlemaps, World maps or ecounter maps.

DM Toolkit
DM toolkit with various supporting materials, rules etc.

DM Tools
DM toolkit with various supporting materials, rules etc.

RPG Scribe- HD
Tool to support character generation, Character sheet and levelling up for your Character. Many calculations are made automatically. Really good for standard classes - less flexible for special classes

RPG Sheets
Tool to support character generation, Character sheet for your Character. A little to simplistic.

DnD Sheets
Tool to support character generation, Character sheet and levelling up for your Character. Not automised to the same level as RPG Scribe - but allows for more flexibility for multiclassing and special classes as well as customisation

Great Apps to easy manage your summoned monsters or animal companions. a must for Druids, Rangers and alike.

All material for the System Reference Document (SRD) for both Pathfinder and D&SD 3.5. Includes both monsters, feats, skills, spells, traits, magic items and more

Complete Spells from System Reference Document (SRD) for D&D 3.5.

Nice dice roller with very realistic RPG dice look. Nice for rolling Character stats as well. Pre programmed dice combinations like "4d6 - remove lowest".

D20 3.5 Core Rules