This page contains a list of the D&D 2nd edition and 3.0/3.5 edition and Pathfinder hardcover books we currently have in our library. To the left is our pdf on-line Library used for quick reference. The online library is for sole look up by our members only and not for distribution. We own at least one purchased hardcopy of all books. It is illegal to copy or distribute files from our pdf library as all "Dungeons & Dragons" books are a registered trademark and all copy rights are owned by Wizards of the Coast

AD&D 2nd Edition Core Books:
1. Players Handbook
2. Dungeon Master Guide
3. Monster Manual
AD&D 2nd Edition Supplement:
4. Tome of Magic
5. Complete Fighters Handbook
6. Complete Thiefs Handbook
7. Complete Rangers Handbook
8. Complete Wizards Handbook
9. Complete Priests Handbook
10. Complete Bards Handbook
11. Encyclopedia Magica Vol I
12. Encyclopedia Magica Vol II
13. Encyclopedia Magica Vol IIII
14. Encyclopedia Magica Vol IV
AD&D 2nd Edition Adventures:
15. The Gates of Firestorm Peak

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition
16. Forgotten Realms Adventures
17. Campaign setting Box set
18. Campaign setting Box set (New Edition)
19. Menzoberranzan Box set
20. Forgotten Realms Atlas
21. The Ruins of Undermountain Box set
22. The Ruins of Myth Drannor Box set
23. Ruins of Zhentil keep Box set
24. The North: Guide to Savage Frontier Box set
25. City System Box Set
26. Waterdeep and the North
27. Moonshae
28. Empires of the Sands
29. The Magister
30. Hall of Heroes
31. The Bloodstone Lands
32. Empires of the Sands
33. Anauroch
34. The City of Waterdeep Trail Map
35. The Dalelands
36. Cormyr
37. Moonsea
Forgotten Realms 2nd Edition Adventures
38. Shadowdale
39. Tantras
40. Waterdeep
41. Ruins of Adventure
42. Curse of Azure Bonds

D&D v. 3.5 Core Books:
1. Players Handbook (3 books)
2. Dungeon Master Guide
3. Monster Manual I (2 books)
D&D 3.0/3.5 Supplement:
4. Players Handbook II
5. Monster Manual II
6. Monster Manual III
7. Monster Manual IV
8. Monster Manual V
9. Monsters of Faerun
10. Spell Compendium
11. Magic Item Compendium
12. Rules Compendium
13. Complete Divine
14. Complete Arcane
15. Complete Warrior
16. Complete Scoundrel
17. Complete Adventurer
18. Lord of Madness
19. Libris Mortis
20. Book of Exalted Deeds
21. Heroes of Horror
22. Heroes of Battle
23. Tome of Magic
24. Tome of Battle
25. Planar Handbook
26. Races of the Wild
27. Races of Stone
28. Races of Destiny
29. Epic Level Handbook (3.0)
30. Weapons of Legacy (3.0)
31. Planar Handbook (3.0)
32. Arms and Equipment guide (3.0)
33. Fiend Folio (3.0)
34. Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
35. Miniatures Handbook
36. Tome of Battle: The book of nine swords
37. Stronghold Builders Guidebook (3.0)
38. Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons
39. Book of Challenges (3.0)
40. Dungeonscape
41. Drow of the Underdark
42. Fiendish Codex I: The Abyss
43. Fiendish Codex II: The Nine Hells
44. Expanded Psionics Handbook
45. Defenders of the Faith (3.0)
46. Masters of the Wild (3.0)
47. Frostburn
D&D 3.0/3.5 Adventures:
48. Return to temple of Elemental Evil
49. The Sunless Citadel
50. Scourge of the howling horde
51. Barrow of the forgotten King
52. The Speaker in Dreams
53. Bastion of Broken Souls
54. Lord of the Iron Fortress
55. Heart of Nightfang Spire
56. The Standing Stone
57. The Sinister Spire
58. Expedition to The Ruins of Greyhawk
59. Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting v.3.5
60. Lords of Darkness
61. Campaign Setting (2 books)
62. Player Guide to Faerun (2 Books)
63. Shining South
64. Silver Marches (2 Books)
65. Uapproachable East
66. Mysteries of the Moonsea
67. City of Splendors: Waterdeep
68. Lost Empires of Faerun
69. Magic of Faerun (2 Books)
70. Underdark
71. Faiths and Pantheons (2 Books)
72. Powers of Faerun
73. Dragons of Faerun
Forgotten Realms 3.0/3.5 Adventures
74. Cormyr - Tearing of the weave
75. Shadowdale - The Scouring of the Land
76. Anauroch - The Empire of Shade
77. City of the Spider Queen
78. The Twilight Tomb
79. Sons of Gruumsh
80. Pool of Radiance - Attack on Myth Drannor (3.0)
81. Into the Dragons Lair (3.0)
82. Expedition to the Undermountain
83. Expedition to Demonweb Pits
Fantastic Locations: Battlemap adventures for D&D miniatures
84. Dragondown Grotto (4.0)
85. Fane of the Drow (4.0)

1. Core Rulebook
2. Bestiary
3. Advanced Players Guide
Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign setting
4. Pathfinder Chronicles Campagin setting (2 Books)
5. Classic Monsters Revisited
6. Gods & Magic
7. Gazetter
8. Guide to Darkmoon Vale
9. Guide to Absalom
10. Into the Darklands
11. Guide to Korvosa
Pathfinder Supplement
4. Torn Asunder: Critical Hits Pathfinder Edition
Pathfinder Adventure Paths:
Rise of the Runelords
12. 1) Burnt Offerings (lvl 1)
13. 2) The Skinsaw Murders (lvl 4)
14. 3) The Hook Mountain Massacre (lvl 7)
15. 4) Fortress of the Stone Giants (lvl 10)
16. 5) Sins of the Saviors (lvl 12)
17. 6) Spires of Xin-Shalast (lvl 14)
18. Rise of the Runelords Map Folio
19. Rise of the Runelords Player´s Guide (5 Books)
Curse of The Crimson Throne
20. 7) Edge of Anarchy (lvl 1)
21. 8) Seven Days to the Grave (lvl 4)
22. 9) Escape from Old Korvosa (lvl 8)
23. 10) A History of Ashes (lvl 10)
24. 11) Skeletons of Scarwall (lvl 12)
25. 12) Crown of Fangs (lvl 14)
26. Curse of the Crimson Throne Map Folio (2 Books)
27. Curse of the Crimson Throne Players Guide
Second Darkness
28. 13) Shadow in the Sky (lvl 1)
29. 14) Children of the Wood (lvl 4)
30. 15) The armageddon Echo (lvl 7)
31. 16) Endless Night (lvl 9)
32. 17) A Memory of Darkness (lvl 12)
33. 18) Descent into Midnight (lvl 14)
34. Second Darkness Map Folio
35. Second Darkness Pathfinder Companion
36. Patfinder GM Screen